Dries Cancer Diet Food List

The Dries Diet System
The Dries cancer diet is based largely upon the consumption of raw fruits, mostly tropical fruit such as pineapple and mango, as well as certainraw vegetables, seeds and condiments such as yoghurt, buttermilk and some oils. The basis of the selection of these foods is their bio-energetic value measured in bio photons, which apparently have an effect upon resistance to cancer.
The author defends in his book that the diet is based mainly on bio-energy for studies have been made where it is possible to prove the presence of bio photons or units of light in vegetable organisms. It was also proved that those bio photons are stored in DNA.
According to Jan Dries the quality of a foodstuff is mainly determined by the amount of bio photons it contains. Bio photons are units of lightthat are found in living organisms, as opposed to photons, which may be found elsewhere.
He says that upgrading and chemical cultivation of foodstuffs are true dangers to bio photons as are processing, conserving and storing of foodstuffs.
He also believes that humans and other animals are not calorie – eaters but absorbers of light.
He explains that a part of the solar energy that plants absorb and that is not used for photosynthesis is stored in the DNA. When we eat plants that absorbed solar energy it ends up in our bodies, where it helps the entire organism function in a way we cannot yet explain.
Jan says that the quality of a foodstuff depends on its ability to store and retain light energy. Not only the nutritional value but also the healing power of a foodstuff depends on the amount of light energy that is retained in the plant.
He believes that the human is a kind of light absorber and that light makes our cells function, but the human is also tied to matter. Energy is converted to matter.
The energy that is taken in by the organism is used for energetic recovery.
Jan defends that the human cells function on light energy, information is passed and assignments are carried out at a speed of light.
The role of light in the composition of foodstuffs 
Jan Dries explains in his book that a close look at a plant will reveal an antenna structure; plants are structured in a way that they are capable of absorbing as much light as possible. Plants grow in the direction of the light. Sunny leaves are completely different from shadow leaves; theshadow leaves are thinner and less mature.
He says that in flowers or blossoms, the antenna structure is even more obvious. Flowers and blossoms are tiny biological radars, the colours are also fascinating, but the delicate structure of the stamens and pistils is incredible.
Jan believes that even more than leaves, flowers are light absorbers and light means energy.
After pollination, the beautiful flowers wither, but the enormous amount of light energy that has been gathered passes to the fruit.
In Jan’s opinion tropical fruits have a high bio-energetic value and that is the reason why tropical fruits are so important in the Dries diet.
He says that cactus fruits and bilberries grow in the wild. Pineapples, raspberries and cherries can hardly be improved.
In this diet the fruits that belong to the first group are quite natural fruits.
Apples, oranges, pears and plums, have been improved that is why they belong to the other groups.
According to the author The Dries diet is based on the following reasoning: if we want to give cancer patients a better chance of recovery, the best foodstuffs available must be used. That is why it is advised not to use agricultural products during the recovery process. The best food is the living food that has not undergone any treatment.
The composition of the Dries Diet 
The diet is divided into seven groups, according to their biological energetic value.  The first group consists of the foodstuffs that according to Jan have a very high bio-energetic value. These foodstuffs are essential in this diet in order to obtain good results. Groups II and III consist of foodstuffs that are of considerable importance. The IV, V, VI and VII are considered complementary. The fruits of the last groups were included by Jan because he believes they give the diet variety and make it a lot more attractive. He advises to use only the foodstuffs of the diet. The foodstuffs are divided into seven groups and classified as fruits, nuts/seeds, vegetables and other sources.
 Jan considers fruit as the most important part of this diet but also by eating everything raw cleans the entire organism.  He says that cooked food, even a small amount disrupts the important cleansing process and that the cleaner the food, the more bio-energy is stored. In his opinion cooked food is characterized by disrupted bio-energy; this means that the body has to repair that bio-energy to make it useful. That implies an enormous loss of the energy that is needed in the recovery process.
 Group I
Pineapple, Cactus fruit, Avocado, Raspberry, Honeydew melon, Pollen, Comb honey

Group II

Bilberry, Kiwi, Cherry, Persimmon, Apricot, Melon, Mango, Papaya, Almonds, Chervil, Mushrooms, Honey

Group III

Feijoa, Red and blackcurrant, Strawberry, Lychee, Passion fruit, Red and green grapes, Medlar, Peach, Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Wheat germ, Germinated wheat, Sprouts, Liquid brewer’s yeast, Panaktiv – Dr Metz

Group IV

Banana, Gooseberries, Green melon, Brazil nut, Coconut, Vegetables, Dairy products

Group V

Oranges, mandarins, apples, pears, plums and grapefruit. (these fruits are considered as supplements.)


This group consists of popular vegetables that are used has supplements.

Group VII

This group gathers several foodstuffs that are used for preparing a meal. – avocados, nuts and seeds are the best suppliers of fat, because they contain fat in an organic structure.
Jan Dries studied biological medicine at the Heipraktikersschule in Solingen in Germany (1977), and specialized himself in nutritional therapy in association with the Avicenna Health Centre in Genk. Since then he has met and worked with thousands of people in search of a better diet.
Jan Dries has been the chairman of the Executive Board of the European Academy of Complementary Medicine in Antwerp and Ghent (Belgium) and Utrecht and Maastricht (Holland).
He is also chairman of the Vegetarian Society and the New Life Society, and founder of the Association of Naturopaths; and he holds distinguished offices in a number of other associations.
He has published several books and many pamphlets on the subject of health with remarkable reputation. In addition to his work on nutrition, he has also made important contributions to disciplines as bio-energy, herbal and natural medicine, relaxation therapy and reflexology.
He has treated many cancer patients with his “Dries Cancer Diet”, a method that has gained him international renown.
Kyped from  2001 Wayback Archive Fruitarian.com

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