Is there a different resource on Sanskrit that works through the writing rules 1-by-1 and gives exercises on each rule instead of exposing the new student to 3 rules for writing words all at once?
I’ve hit the wall with “First...
A series of insults and attacks on my person
Mom said the following things about/to...
Palm Beach Dharma Center (Dzogchen) Meditation Instructions
I was involved with the Palm...
Is stretching in a hot room actually more effective long-term?
Someone asked about stretching in a...
Charlie Ziese presentation #1 about his book 76.345 Exploring the Hidden Secrets of the Golden Ratio
The Golden Ratio a is to...
How does Vajrayana Buddhism related to the Shambhala Teachings?
My personal involvement with Chogyam Trungpa...
Do you have a way to go deeper into your postures? I’ve been experimenting with the Sedona Method.
Let’s use standing head to knee...’s Next Course Begins on September 24th, 2022
July 2022 – Meditation Newsletter from...
New free book available – ‘Satipatthana Sutta – Essential Teachings for the Practice’
Ven. Chandaratana Thero is the deputy...