So how are you doing?
– financially – My income is $5000/mo from my job and my spending is $7500/mo… miraculously, I am not overdrawn and in fact have 4K in the bank.
– spiritually: doing some Izunome but primarily focused on the integration of diet with spiritual clearing as discussed in Klaus Wolfram: “Fruits: Best of All Foods”
– personally: very lonely here in Florida. Ready to go home to my parents. havent seen them in 2-3 years.
– professionally: working as computer programmer remotely. Get to set my own hours and work on my home businesses
– emotionally: I wake up feeling way more limited in my havingness and my sense of beingness is very underachieved. But the first step to improving is to see where you are and decide where to go next. I have never been persistent in my goal to build my home business. I just played around with it, talked to a few friends but was never organized and professional. Now is the time to work it seriously for my benefit and the benefit of the company growth.
– mentally: the proper diet is making it possible to be aware of my dream patterns
– diet: following what Klaus Wolfram wrote in “Fruit: Best of All Foods”. fooled around with other raw diets. Saw that I was trying to satisfy myself with things I could not naturally obtain and so of course my body was sub-optimal as was my mind and emotions. The belly is the bridge or block between the lower and higher. And mine is blocked up, backed up, constipated and basically what most Americans think is OK and average and standard. Permanent Cosmic Orgasm can be had with the clearing of this area. But receiving Johrei from the Izunome Association also opens me up to Cosmic Orgasm (as Joshua Rainbow spoke about in Biotrophic Protocol) – it has been fun to feel trapped in a clay body with limits and needs but it is driving me to the brink of frustration. I want to be FOREVER HIGH and have to put in the time to make the belly a permanent bridge between lower and higher.
– sexuality: non-existent. There is a girl that I have a strong resonance with. Her name is Tiffany Davis. Thing is, she smokes cigarettes and is a Christian. And she eats meat. So I think we wont’ be able to support each other in our life paths. So I need to curtail my urge to be intimate with her. And help her out in other ways. This is going to be hard, especially since she is black and I have not had a black woman in a long time…
– big questions: will my computer company employ me next quarter starting in January?
– big concerns: will my company make me a permanent employee so that I have piece of mind about primary income while I form my secondary income through Lyoness?
– where do you see yourself in the next week: that kind of depends. I could be here in Florida or in Georgia with my parents.
– where do you see yourself in the next month: hopefully Dr. Stubbs will have registered her restaurant with our home business by then and we will be rolling on building the business.
– where do you see yourself in the next year: have talked to at least 2 merchants per month about the beauty power and elegance of my home business
– where do you see yourself in the next 5 years: 2 local businesses will be registered in my home business  thanks to me and I should have about 2000 to 5000 customers shopping for me every month!
– where do you see yourself in the next 10 years: returned to my true love, the floatation tank
– where do you see yourself in the next 20 years: finished the religious documents on my floatation tank RELIGION- yes RELIGION – not spiritual system. Tired of people who act like one is better than the other!!!
– where do you see yourself in the next 50 years: hopefully still rather mobile due to no longer trying to entertain myself with spurts of joy from eating the wrong foods. How sex will figure into my life is to be seen – I have felt Cosmic Orgasm simply from sitting still and receiving Johrei. So it is definitely possible to do it without diet. But I am certain once my channels clear up, it will be a constant state.

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