Is there a different resource on Sanskrit that works through the writing rules 1-by-1 and gives exercises on each rule instead of exposing the new student to 3 rules for writing words all at once?

I’ve hit the wall with “First lessons in Sanskrit grammar and reading” by Judith Tyberg and need suggestions to continue my study of Sanskrit.

I was quite pleased with Judith Tyberg’s presentation of the consonants and vowels. I made it through 80% of the alphabet just using 1 or 2 pages of her book. It was at this point that I turned to UBC’s Sanskrit Page to organize the rest of my learning of the alphabet.

You can see the result of my study of these 2 resources in this picture:

But now I’m a bit upset with how Judith Tyberg continues.

She then teaches a series of rules

but then gives exercises for Rules 1, 2 and 3 all at once instead of just working with 1 rule at a time!

Is there a different resource on Sanskrit that works through the writing rules 1 by 1 and gives exercises on each rule instead of exposing the new student to 3 rules for writing words all at once?

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